(Pasco Association for Challenged Kids, Inc.)

We wanted to announce the dates for PACK Camp 2024.
Camp will be held Monday, June 24th -Friday, July 12th (closed on 7/4 and 7/5)
Camp will be held at Pepin Academy, 7710 Osteen Road, New Port Richey.
Hours are Monday-Friday 9-3.
Fees are $100 per week plus a one time supply fee of $50.
Campers may attend for two or three weeks.
Returning Campers: You have been sent an email asking if you are sending your
child this year.
Please RSVP as soon as possible
We already have a list of new campers wanting to attend.
New Campers: We have a wait list for new campers, once we know how many kids from
last year are coming back we know how many new kids we can take. If you are
interested in sending your child, PLEASE EMAIL us at include your name, phone number, and email, and your child's name, age, school, disability and special needs. DO NOT fill out registration form, email your info to us.
Website is Please send any questions you have by email.
Thank you we will begin enrolling campers shortly. We are looking forward to another great summer!
Meet the Founders
Barry Cohen
Founder of P.A.C.K.
"In 25 years of P.A.C.K. Camp, I’ve seen over and over again no matter what a child’s disability is, having FUN is what’s important. And P.A.C.K. Camp allows them to do just that!"

Paula Cohen
Founder of P.A.C.K.
"Everyone should do something to help a special needs child! They deserve the same opportunities as everyone else! Making a donation
to P.A.C.K. is one great way of helping!"
Gregory Cohen
Son of Barry and Paula
"My mom and dad started P.A.C.K. for me 25 years ago. I’m glad so many kids have come to camp and had a great time! P.S. When am I going to McDonald’s?"


Our Story
P.A.C.K. (Pasco Association for Challenged Kids, Inc.) is a non-profit corporation dedicated to providing services for disabled children in Pasco County, Florida.
P.A.C.K. was formed in 1997 by Paula and Barry Cohen, parents of an autistic child. Frustrated that every summer, Pasco County children with disabilities - unable to attend regular summer programs- had no programs available. After summer school was over, the kids had no opportunity to get out of the house, be away from their families and have the chance to have fun and socialize.
Paula and Barry, working with then State Representative Mike Fasano, formed P.A.C.K. to provide a summer camp experience where kids could have fun and be cared for by trained, qualified staff. The first camp was in 1997 and we are still going strong after 25 years! Thanks to Mike Fasano for all his help over the years, and now thanks to Senator Wilton Simpson for his continued support every year!
P.A.C.K. is the only summer program in Pasco County that takes children with ALL types of disabilities. Parents pay a small registration and supply fee. It is funded by state funding, private donations, and registration fees. Parents can enroll their children confident in the knowledge that they will have the opportunity to learn, socialize and have fun while being cared for by trained, qualified staff.
P.A.C.K. Staff 2019

(2017 Video)

(2017 Article)

(2019 Video & Article)

(2022 Video & Article)